FrameFlow Newsletter - July 2023

Keep Up to Date on the Latest FrameFlow News

Current Release: Version 2023.7

Just a few days ago, we released FrameFlow v2023.7. This update contains two new event monitors and tons of smaller improvements to our product. As always, you can check out our change log for a full list of what's changed, or take a look at our What's New blog post for a highlight reel of changes.

In this newsletter, we'll introduce you to our two new event monitors and showcase some of the larger changes we've made in v2023.7. In the meantime, make sure to update as soon as you can to keep up with the latest improvements to our software.

New: Microsoft Teams Event Monitor

The Microsoft Teams Event Monitor is the newest addition to our lineup of event monitors. It watches over your organization's teams and channels in MS Teams and sends alerts about metrics like channel addition/removal, activity, ownership, and more. We've released a tutorial and Technical Resources article to help you get started.

New: Azure App Registration Event Monitor

Our Microsoft Azure App Registration Event Monitor can alert you well before your client secrets expire, but that's not all! It also alerts based on the addition or removal of app registrations and lets you schedule custom warnings when your app registrations are due to expire. This event monitor is instrumental in keeping tabs on your organization's Microsoft Azure app registrations, so check it out today!

New Blog Content Coming Soon!

Recently, we've been hard at work creating new blog posts full of tips and tricks for FrameFlow users. We'll be releasing new articles sporadically with topics like scripting custom event monitors, FrameFlow's best SNMP monitoring features, visualization tools, and shortcuts that will save you time while using our interface.

We've already published some articles from this series, so make sure to visit today and keep an eye out for new articles coming soon!

Update ASAP + Link to Change Log

After you've read this newsletter, make sure to log in and update to version 2023.7 if you haven't already. Upgrading your FrameFlow installation is key to keeping up with the new features and fixes we come out with! As always, our change log contains a record of every change in this and all other updates. Check it out if you feel so inclined!

Wrap Up

That's all for this newsletter! To view past newsletters, click here. As always, feel free to contact us with fixes or suggestions. It's user feedback like yours that helps us keep FrameFlow moving forward.


The FrameFlow Team

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